Checkpoint 15

C*H*E*C*K*P*O*I*N*T 15

17th March 1972

Checkpoint is a news and reviews zine published by Peter Roberts, The Hawthorns, Keele, Staffs, UK. Subs are available at 5/20p or 10/40p (2nd class & Europe) and 6/£1 (foreign airmail). Australian Agent: David Grigg, 1556 Main Rd, Research, Victoria 3095. North American Agents: Charlie & Dena Brown, 2078 Anthony Av, Bronx, NY. 10457, USA. Duplicated by Darroll & Rosemary Pardoe. News this time from: Malcolm Edwards, Rosemary Pardoe, Hartley Patterson, and Peter Weston. Restormel Press Publication: 55.

CHESSMANCON: The con hotel filled up fairly quickly it seems; I didn't return the booking-form immediately and was relegated to the Peacock Hotel instead of the Blossoms. Further details of the con programme are available: films to be shown include The Jester's Tale (directed by Zeman of Baron Munchhausen fame), Return of the Cybernaughts, Barbarella, Fahrenheit 451, and Godzilla Vs the Thing. Lisa Conesa (54 Manley Rd, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8HP) is organizing a chess tournament, as befits the con's title, and Rog Peyton (address on last page) is looking after the Ken McIntyre Memorial Award for UK fanzine artwork (the fund for this now stands at £24.12). Registration details on the back page. Hope to see you there.

DOREEN PARKER, GoH: This year's Novacon in Birmingham will have as Guest of Honour the well-known British convention and organization (!) fan, Doreen Parker; membership details and the like are on the back page.

HUGO NOMINATIONS: I now have copies of this year's Hugo nomination forms, if anyone wants them. Only Noreascon and LACoN members are eligible, though you can join the latter by sending £2 to me, Peter Roberts. The 3rd LACon Progress Report has also arrived and I'll be happy to send it to anyone interested as a sample (3p stamp, please). Of possible Best Novel contenders, The World Inside (Silverberg), The Traveller in Black (Brunner), and Operation Chaos (Anderson) have been ruled ineligible for various reasons.

PEOPLE: Malcolm & Christine Edwards were married on February 12th and Graham & Pat Charnock on February 29th. My felicitations to all... // Sam Moskowitz was at a recent Globe meeting and Larry Niven should be in London before the Eastercon (Fred Pohl will probably be over here as well). // Bill Kunkel & Charlene Komar, famed editors of the American faanish fnz, Rats!, will be in Britain late April/Hay and plan some visiting before returning to marry in the US in June.

QUARTERLY FANZINE DIRECTORY: A printed card has arrived from Ray Denton, 3 Collingwood Court, Folkestone, Kent, asking for details of fanzines for inclusion in the listing. He wants to know the title, address, page number & size, repro, and rates plus brief comments on content. Not a CIA plot, says Ray.

A Tolkien meeting report from Hartley Patterson will appear next issue, as well as Gerald Bishop's column of Book News.

FANZINES RECEIVED: An asterisk indicates a recommendation.

Amseph 1 (26pp:¼o:d). Andrew Davey, 5 Spring Gardens, Harewood, Leeds, LS17 9LL. Fiction, verse, &c. Thom Penman, Nick Shears, &c. 15p)

Anduril 0 (14pp:¼o:d) John Martin, 27 Highland Drive, Bushey, Herts. Official Bulletin of the Tolkien Society news, &c. (20p)

*Cipher 4 (26pp:A4:d) Chris Couch, Route 2, Box 889, Arnold, Missouri 63010, USA. Faanish – Arnie Katz, Jay Kinney, &c. (35¢)

*Cipher 3 – as above: Jim Reuss, &c. (25¢)

Cor Serpentis 2 (29pp:¼o:d). Christine McGowan, c/o Union, Monash U, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. General (reprints). (free)

Cover 1. (41pp:A4:d). Jeff Schalles, Box 288 GCC, Grove City, Pa.l6l27, USA. General. (40¢)

Cypher 6 (70pp:A4:d). James Goddard & Mike Sandow, Woodlands Lodge, Woodlands, Southampton, Hants. Sf – Aldiss interview, &c. (15p)

*Egoboo 13 (28pp:A4:d). John D.Berry & Ted White, 35 Dusenberry Rd, Bronxville, NY.10708, USA. Faanish – Bob Shaw, Rotsler, Demmon. ($1) *Egoboo 14 (12pp) – as above. Letters.

Ethil The Frog 1 (3pp:fscp:x). John Piggott, Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL. New postal Diplomacy zine. (5p)

Fanews 33/4 (14pp:A4:sd). Uwe Sitzenstock, D-3321 Salzgitter-Ohlendorf, Gartenweg 2, Germany. In German. Sf, fan, & media news. (10/3.70dm)

Fanews 35/6/7 (20pp) – as above.

Fanews 38 (6pp) – as above.

*Focal Point 34 (23pp:A4:d). Arnie Katz, 59 Livingston St, Apt 6-B, Brooklyn, NY.11201, USA. Faanish – Terry Carr, Harry Warner. (3/$1)

Forthcoming SF Books 6 (5pp:A4:d). Joanne Burger, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, USA. Publishers' lists.(US) (3/$1)

Free Orbit 3 (30pp:fscp:d). Audrey Walton, 25 Yewdale Crescent, Coventry, CV2 2FF. Fiction – Sneyd, Noyle, &c. (Free?)

*Granfalloon 14 (59pp:A4:d). Ron & Linda Bushyager, 111 MacDade Blvd, Apt B211 Sutton Arms Apts, Folsom, Pa.19033, USA. Fannish & general. Ted White, Arnie Katz, Don D'Ammassa, &c. (60¢)

*Kratophany 1 (27pp:A4:d). Eli Cohen, 417 W 118th St, Apt 63, New York, NY.10027, USA. Fannish & general – Boardman, Kaufman, &c. (50¢)

*Locus 104 (8pp:A4:d). Charlie & Dena Brown, 2078 Anthony Av, Bronx, NY.10457, USA. Sf news. (12/$3) UK Agent: Malcolm Edwards, 75a Harrow View, Harrow, Middx. (10/£1.50).

*Locus 105 – as above.

*Locus 106 – as above.

*Locus 107 – as above (6pp).

*Locus 108 – as above (10pp) + Jack Gaughan article.

Macrocosm 1 (42pp:A4:d). Rob Holdstock, 15 Highbury Grange, London N5. Fiction – Leroy Kettle, Bryn Fortey, etc. (10p)

Malfunction 1 (27pp:2/4o:x). Pete Presford & Pete Colley, 10 Dalkeith Rd, Sth.Reddish, Stockport. Fannish & general. (free?)

*Maya 3 (37pp:2/4o:d). Ian Maule, 59 Windsor Tce, South Gosforth, Newcastle on Tyne, NE3 1YL. Faanish – Eastercon(71)reps – Boak, &c. (10p)

Moebius Trip 11 (30pp:A4;d). Ed Connor, 1805 N.Gale, Peoria, Ill. 6l604, USA. General – Philip Jose Farmer, andy offutt, &c. (50¢)

Mota 2 (28pp:A4:d). Terry Hughes, 407 College Av, Columbia, Mo.65201, USA. Fannish & general – Arnie Katz, Creath Thorne. (25¢)

*Mota 3 (33pp) – as above. Faanish – John D.Berry, &c.

Flier art: "The BWFS is alive!" and b/w graphic

The BRITISH WEIRD FANTASY SOCIETY, catering for all devotees of fantasy, horror and the supernatural, is now fully operational. For a reasonable yearly membership fee, an exciting array of services is available. There is the society's magazine, Dark Horizons, and a monthly Bulletin with news and information, free advertising and details of Society services. Other services include, a lending library (already quite extensive), a fanzine library where you can keep up with the latest fan-magazines, a magazine chain, circulating the professional magazines, an amateur writers circle where you tales can receive constructive criticism, and you in turn can offer comments on others' stories, an Information bureau and a correspondence circle. Future plans also include a Convention, All these services are yours for 75p, the annual subscription, which should be sent to the secretary, ROSEMARY PARDOE, 15 SELKIRK COURT, WHITLEY ROAD, LONDON, N17 6RF. If your interests lie anywhere in the macabre genre, the BWFS is the ideal thing to involve yourself in. Join Now!

Osfan vol.III.0 (3pp:A4:d). Mike Mannon, 6218½ Hancock Av, St Louis, Missouri, 65159, USA. St.Lois club news. (free?)

Osfic 25 (31pp:A4:p). Peter Gill, 18 Glen Manor Dr, Toronto 13, Ontario, Canada. Last issue. General – Glicksohns, &c. (free)

*Outworlds 3/1 (24pp:A4:d). Bill Bowers, Box 87, Barberton, Ohio 44203, USA. General – Brunner, Lowndes, Glicksohn, &c. (60¢)

Psywar 5 (11pp: A4+¼o:d) Keith Walker, Psychiatric Training School, Burnley General Hospital, Lanes. Occult, &c. (free?)

*Rats! 13 (20pp;A4:d) Bill Kunkel & Charlene Komar, 72-41 61st St, Glendale, New York 11227, USA. Faanish – Arnie Katz, Berry. (35¢)

*Rats! 14 (32pp) – as above. Bob Shaw, John D.Berry, Harry Warner.

Sandworm 14 (26pp:A4:d). Bob Vardeman, Box 11352, Albuquerque, NM. 87112, USA. General – Beetem, &c. (50¢) Sandworm 15 (34pp) – as above. Tucker, Tackett, &c.

*SF Commentary 24 (50pp:A4:d). Bruce Gillespie, GPO Box 5195AA, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Sf – Lem, Gillam, &c. (9/$3)

*SF Commentary 25 (50pp) – as above. UK Agent: Malcolm Edwards.

*SF Times 126 (99pp:octo;p) Hans-Joachim Alpers, 2850 Bremerhaven 1, Weissenburger Strasse 6, Germany. In German. Sf news & reviews.

Starling 20 (31pp:A4:d). Hank & Lesleigh Luttrell, 1108 Locust St, Columbia, Missouri 65201, USA. Fannish & general. (35¢)

Tellus International 2 (6pp:A4:d). Gerd Hallenberger, D-3550 Marburg, Alter Kirchhainer Weg 52, Germany. In English. Sf news. (10/65p)

Terran Times 4 (43pp:¼o:d), Shayne McCormack, 49 Orchard Rd, Bass Hill, NSW 2197, Australia. Star Trek, &c. (free?)

The Hog on Ice 1 (16pp:A4:d) Creath Thorne, 1022 College Av, Columbia, Mo. 65201, USA. Personal & general. (25¢)

The Middle Earthworm 16 (20pp:¼o:d) Archie Mercer, 21 Trenethick Parc, Helston, Cornwall. Tolkien letter-zine. (free)

The Phantom Detective/Pulp Era 75 (30pp:A4:p). Lynn Hickman, 413 Ottokee St, Wauseon, Ohio 43567, USA. Pulp mags & reprints/collecting.

TNFF 31/6 (29pp:A4:d). Arthur Hayes, Box 1030, South Porcupine, Ontario, Canada. N3f news &c reports.

*Tomorrow And... 8 (64pp:A4:p+d). Jerry Lapidus, 54 Clearview Dr, Pittsford, NY.14534, USA. Sf & general – offutt, Gerrold, Vardeman.

War Bulletin 25 (4pp:fscp:d). Hartley Patterson, Finches, 7 Cambridge Rd, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Diplomacy zine. (3p)

*Warm Heart Pastry 1 (l5pp:A4:d). Neal Goldfarb, 30 Brodwood Dr, Stamford, Conn. 06902, USA. Faanish – Bob Shaw, Greg Benford. (35¢)

Wombat 3 (50pp:¼o:d). Ron Clarke & Shayne McCormack, 78 Redgrave Rd, Normanhurst, NSW 2076, Australia. General. (free)

Zimri 2 (50pp:A4:d). Lisa Conesa & Phil Muldowney, 54 Manley Rd. Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8HP. General. (10p)

Twelve British fanzines, twenty eight American, five Australian, five German, and two Canadian... The fact that Checkpoint is a month overdue shows slightly, I fear.

FANZINE NEWS; Malcolm Edwards has folded Quicksilver and is now editor of the BSFA's Vector (whilst Gray Boak now has the BSFA's duplicator). Note the five new UK fanzines in the above list, plus the return of Maya, under new editorship (Ian Maule).

CONVENTION PROGRESS REPORTS RECEIVED: I'll be happy to make this a regular feature if con publicists continue to send along their information and reports:

CHESSMANCON (Chester, UK, Easter 72) ... Meteor 3 received. Registration is 50p from Tony Edwards, 4 Admel Sq, Hulme, Manchester 15. 160 have joined so far. Blossoms Hotel now full (overflow hotels available). GoH is Larry Niven. Pros probably in attendance: Brian Aldiss, Fred Pohl, Harry Harrison, James White, Ken Bulmer, &c.

NOVACON II (Birmingham, UK, 4-5th Nov 72) PR 1 received. Registration is 50p from Jeff Hacker, 92 Wisley Way, Harborne, Birmingham B32 2SU. 39 have joined so far. Imperial Hotel. GoH is Doreen Parker.

LA WORLDCON (Los Angeles, US, 1-4th Sep 72) PR 3 received. Membership is £2 (associate) from myself (UK Agent). 568 have joined so far. International Hotel. GoH is Fred Pohl. More info from me available.

TORONTO WORLDCON (Canada, Sep 73) PR 1 received, Membership is £1.20 from Peter Weston, 31 Pinewall Av, Birmingham B38 9AE (associate). 391 joined so far. Royal York Hotel. Bob Bloch is GoH.

EASTERCON 72 (Melbourne, Aus, Easter 72) PR 2 received. Membership is £2 (associate) from Space Age Books, 317 Swanston St, Melbourne, V. 3000, Australia. Savoy Plaza Hotel. No GoH.

COAs: Malcolm Edwards, 75a Harrow View, Harrow, Middx.
Bob Rickard, 31 Kingswood Rd, Moseley, Birmingham 13 9AN. Ken Slater, 39 West St, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 2LX.
Dave Bendelow, (add postcode: DH8 5LN).

BWFS NEWS: (Rosemary Pardoe) "Phil Spencer had to give up the editorship of the Society magazine before he got an issue out. I took over as editor and have now put out two issues. The society Bulletin has been coming out monthly as planned. The new secretary is Sandra Sutton (66 Watford Rd, Kings Norton, Birmingham 30). The society seems to have got off the ground now, I'm pleased to say. We hope to get some sort of meeting together at the Chessmancon."

ANDROMEDA BOOK CO: Catalogues 13 & 14 have arrived from Rog Peyton (131 Gillhurst Rd, Harborne, Birmingham B17 8PG) and present lists of magazines & pbs for sale, as well as author check lists (Dick, Simak, Herbert); well-printed too, with McCabe cover on 13.


Peter Roberts
The Hawthorns
Keele, Staffs
Great Britain

Printed Matter Only